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Sangue Azzurro

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When I was making a reservation at the beginning of the year for a puppy from Alina Okulovska (Des Sentiments Merveilleux kennel) I had no idea that just a moment later there would be war in Ukraine. Noone really expected it... Importing a puppy to Poland from a non-EU country has quite strict rules so Hypernova could come to me at the age of seven months at least. I really didn't expect what life would bring us and that the little one would arrive so suddenly. It's a long story so here I will focus only on the huge thanks to Agata Szadkowska, breeder of Italian Greyhounds in Poland (Chartbeat kennel) who helped bring this little fella safely to our country. Since the war in Ukraine started she became really engaged in helping the breeders in need. She took in one family from Ukraine with their dogs before, Kira (De Mell Agris kennel) and when she got to know about Alina's escape from Kiev and her difficult journey, Agata didn't hesitate to help them as well! She organized a flat for Alina' family and took care of the rest of the puppies from this litter to relieve the breeder. All this help was possible thanks to Agata's many connections, friends who offered their apartment and holiday farm outside Warsaw. In this difficult time and really hard situation that the Unkrainians have now, it's not easy to feel happiness. Bittersweet tears fill my eyes, the tears of gratitude, sorrow, fear but also admiration of such huge gestures and hearts of some people.



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