My first Coursing in the Czech. 11 females, 7 males and 5 sprinters. I've always wanted to see all these talented Czech IG's live. A truly amazing spectacle, these dogs will amaze you how small and thin they are, and how fast they are! When you look at their physical abilities on parcour, it feels like they are throwing in 6th, 7th and then 8th gear, finishing in 12th gear. They don't lose their strength until the very end. After such competitions, I can see how much work is still ahead of us. Unfortunately, I sign with both hands against the protest that took place on the spot that the organizer did not take care of mowing the grass. Numerous reruns, dangerous conditions, where even whippets lost their lure in the tall grass, not to mention little IG.
Pema (Just Joy z Koloseum) 6th place, Xulia Super Charty 8th place. We will definitely go to the Czech competition, mainly to admire incredibly talented italian sighthounds and see some interesting males live.
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